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Sniper EliteV2 Xbox360 Readers Review

10 Aug Posted by in Reviews, Xbox 360 | Comments
Sniper EliteV2 Xbox360 Readers Review

Being an avid fan of the stealth shooter genre, it was really frustrating to see the recent hiatus. A few days ago my brother brought home a game called Sniper Elite; at first I was a bit hesitant because the company that made the game (Rebellion Games) isn’t that well known. Ok, I confess I am always a bit reluctant to try out new ventures by small game houses. Call it a flaw! But that’s the way I am.

So even with all my reservations I decided to give the game a go mainly because I was starved for some stealth shooting action.I was expecting a game with jittery mechanics, not so impressive narrative and sketchy game play! Instead what I found was a really impressive arsenal of WWII era sniper rifles with extremely fun shooting mechanics.The narrative was strong as it follows the exploits of an American shooter sent behind enemy lines to kill a bunch of scientist who worked on V2 rockets.

What I find particularly entertaining is the slow motion kills when your bullet flies across and hits the enemy in some vital organ! The spectacle is displayed in all its gruesome details with the bullet penetrating the vital organs shown in X-ray! Ok I realize, I sound macabre but you got to play the game to get what I am on about.There’s no more satisfying feeling than seeing your enemy go down while your bullet ripping through their innards.



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